Phrase of the Day (ride a tiger)-03SEP24

Phrase of the Day (ride a tiger)-03SEP24

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is ride a tiger and its meaning is “to continue doing something (a dangerous/troublesome work) which is already begun, as it is very tough to stop it safely & abruptly in midway”.

Example Sentence: In Myanmar, after three consecutive elections, the military took over yet again in February 2021, despite the 2020 elections having given the NLD a huge mandate. Now, Myanmar’s military is riding a tiger and unable to dismount, with the Opposition and ethnic groups gaining ground. The conflict is spilling over into India’s north-east. It has renewed India’s dilemma on whether to stay with the military to protect itself from insurgents using Myanmar soil or to side with the rejuvenated Opposition forces fighting for change, since India cannot afford to lose Myanmar in this balancing act.

Phrase of the Day (ride a tiger)-03SEP24

This phrase is present in India’s neighbourhood watch, past and present and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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