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Phrase of the Day (bring someone to justice)-08FEB21

Phrase of the Day (bring someone to justice)-08FEB21

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “bring someone to justice” and its meaning is “arrest/punish someone for a crime committed”.

Example Sentence: Xi Jinping, too, stands accused of genocide-in Xinjiang-yet appears untouchable. Who will bring China’s bullyboy president to justice? The same question might be asked of Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin. The “underpants poisoner” is impunity personified. The sheer brazenness of the bungled bid to murder opposition activist Alexei Navalny was matched by his unjust incarceration last week.

Phrase of the Day (bring someone to justice)-08FEB21

This phrase is present in The Guardian article The world’s bad guys are winning. Is anyone going to stand up to them?, and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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