Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is be at one’s wits’ end and it’s meaning is “be worried, be confused, be perplexed, be irritated, be annoyed (that you are unsure what to do)“.
Example Sentence: Trimming the list of invitees has been one of the toughest tasks during the pandemic. Those who wanted to send wedding invitations were unsure whom to include and how to say that the guests should observe physical-distancing measures. Hosts were at their wits’ end to convince people that only a limited number could participate. However those who were not invited did not get offended. In fact, most of them felt relieved rather than left out.
This phrase is present in The Hindu article Of metaverse weddings and click here to read it.
“Phrasal Verbs” We Learnt Last Week
“Idioms & Phrases” We Learnt Last Week
“Important Definitions” We Learnt Last Week