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One speech, two messages – The Hindu (Aug 16, 2016)

One speech, two messages – The Hindu (Aug 16, 2016)

In his third Independence Day address to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was intent on coming across as an able doer, and not a mere talker. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Word List:


  1. Intent on (adjective) – bent, set, determined, fixed; firm about, committed to.
  2. Stint (noun) – spell, period, time, session, term.
  3. Reel out (phrasal verb) – unwind something.
  4. Quicker (adjective) – fast, swift, rapid, speedy.
  5. Curb (verb) – restrain, hold back; check, control; limit, restrict.
  6. Credit (noun) – praise, commendation, kudos, gratitude, appreciation.
  7. Hold up – support, hold, bear, carry. prop up, bolster up.
  8. Sought – past tense of seek (verb) – try, attempt, endeavour, strive, aim, aspire.
  9. Far-sighted (adjective) – prudent, foresighted, canny; cautious, watchful;
  10. Statesman (noun) – senior politician, respected political figure, political leader.
  11. Populist (adjective) – related to politicians who claim that they are representing the common/ordinary people.
  12. Gesture (verb) – signal, make a gesture, make a sign, motion.
  13. Prospects (noun) – possibilities, potential, expectations, outlook, future.
  14. Sway (verb) – influence, affect, persuade, prevail on, win over.
  15. Rhetoric (noun) – oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language.
  16. On the ground (phrase) – at the place of (practical) action.
  17. Consumption (noun) – use of information by a particular audience.
  18. Commend (verb) – praise, compliment, congratulate, applaud.
  19. Posturing (noun) – pose, behavioural attitude, strike an attitude, attitudinize, behave affectedly, show off.
  20. Provocative (adjective) – annoying, provoking,  inflaming, arousing, controversial.


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