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North Korea lobs a missile challenge – The Hindu (Feb 14, 2017)

North Korea lobs a missile challenge – The Hindu (Feb 14, 2017)

On the face of it, the launch of a medium-range ballistic missile by North Korea on Sunday is yet another reckless provocation by its leader Kim Jong-un. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. lob (verb) – launch, propel; throw a (missile).
  2. on the face of it (phrase) – apparently, seemingly, evidently.
  3. ballistic missile (noun) – a missile, which is shot from the ground, takes a long distance to travel well outside the atmosphere and falls to the earth to explode on its target (due to the gravity).
  4. reckless (adjective) – careless, thoughtless; rash/impetuous.
  5. provocation (noun) – goading, stirring, incitement/inducement.
  6. vow (verb) – swear, promise, affirm/commit.
  7. host of (noun) – lot, large number, great quantity/array.
  8. sanctions (noun) – action taken, or an order given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  9. bellicose (adjective) – aggressive, hostile, threatening/confrontational.
  10. posture (noun) – position, attitude, stance.
  11. hard line (adjective) – uncompromising, strict/severe, tough.
  12. storm into (Verb) – move angrily or forcefully (in a particular direction).
  13. measured (adjective) – thoughtful, careful/deliberate; steady.
  14. restraint (noun) – constraint, control, restriction/limitation.
  15. put on notice (phrase) – give a warning to.
  16. predecessor (noun) – forerunner, precursor, antecedent.
  17. feasible (adjective) – practical, viable, realistic.
  18. leverage over (noun) – influence, power/authority, control.
  19. erratic (adjective) – unpredictable, inconsistent, changeable.
  20. rational (adjective) – logical, sensible, reasonable.
  21. carrot-and-stick (adjective) – a policy approach that offers both a reward and threat of punishment (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  22. yield (verb) – produce, provide, generate/realize.
  23. dividend (noun) – benefit, advantage, gain.


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