Citizen vs State – The Hindu (Aug 25, 2017)

Citizen vs State – The Hindu (Aug 25, 2017)

In a rare unanimous verdict pronounced by nine judges, the Supreme Court has ruled that privacy is a fundamental right that requires constitutional protection. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1

  1. unanimous (adjective) – uniform, united, undivided.
  2. grudgingly (adverb) – in a reluctant or in a manner resentful manner.
  3. inalienable (adjective) – inviolable, absolute, unchallengeable/unalterable.
  4. inherent (adjective) – essential, fundamental, deep-rooted/permanent.
  5. explicit (adjective) – clear/direct, obvious, straightforward.
  6. perverse (adjective) – awkward, contrary; illogical, irrational.
  7. come down on (phrasal verb) – reprimand, rebuke, criticize harshly.
  8. underpinning (noun) – nucleus, kernel, basis/fundamental, core (ideas/motives).
  9. ineluctable (adjective) – inescapable, inevitable, unpreventable.
  10. facet (noun) – aspect, feature, characteristic.
  11. amorphous (adjective) – shapeless, formless, structureless.
  12. defy description (phrase) – something which is unusual/remarkable and so it is not possible to describe it.
  13. statutory (adjective) – mandatory, necessary, essential.
  14. elitist (adjective) – relating to /associated with elite (most powerful and influential) group.
  15. fall by the wayside (phrase) – fail to persist/continue in an activity.
  16. cherish (verb) – revere/esteem; nurture, protect/treasure.
  17. implication (noun) – consequence, result, ramification/repercussion.
  18. ruling (noun) – decision, decree; verdict/judgement.
  19. uphold (verb) – confirm/justify; maintain, continue (a custom/practice).
  20. flawed (adjective) – defective, wrong, incorrect.
  21. pertinent (adjective) – relevant, apposite, appropriate/suitable.
  22. arbitrariness (noun) – the quality of being “determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  23. compelling (adjective) – irresistible, forceful, overwhelming.
  24. cautionary (adjective) – warning, intimidating, forbidding.
  25. in order (phrase) – appropriate, proper, right.
  26. writ (noun) – a formal written order of an authority; Court order.
  27. open-ended (adjective) – permanent/fixed, perpetual, everlasting.
  28. revivify (verb) – re-energize, fortify, strengthen.
  29. pit against (phrasal verb) – compete against/with, contend with, grapple with.
  30. at loggerheads (phrase) – in disagreement, at variance, in opposition.
  31. notion (noun) – idea/thought, belief, concept.
  32. at rest (phrase) – not agitated, troubled.
  33. equitable (adjective) –fair/impartial, unbiased, egalitarian.


  1. Click each one…ition/foremostof the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. Use it with the corresponding article published on the source (website) via the link provided. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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