The Hindu Editorial (All in the fray) – Jan 20, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (All in the fray) – Jan 20, 2022

Seven of the 13 governments formed in Goa since 1963 have been by coalitions. In 2017, it was more a usurpation of power than the making of a defensible coalition. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (All in the fray) – Jan 20, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (All in the fray) – Jan 20, 2022:

  1. fray (noun) – competition, contest.
  2. contender (noun) – candidate; campaigner, prospect.
  3. relatively (adverb) – comparatively, in comparison, by comparison, proportionately.
  4. established (adjective) – well known, recognized, acknowledged; mainstream, familiar
  5. coalition (noun) – alliance, union, partnership.
  6. usurpation (noun) – seizure, taking over, appropriation (by force).
  7. defensible (adjective) – justifiable, defendable, sustainable, well founded, sound, sensible, reasonable, rational, logical.
  8. cobble (verb) – prepare hastily, put together roughly, patch together.
  9. outsmart (verb) – defeat cleverly; outwit, outplay; get the better of.
  10. saunter (noun) – stroll, walk, march.
  11. leave (verb) – abandon, desert, discard, leave stranded.
  12. cross (over) (verb) – go across, cut across, traverse; deflect, change course.
  13. discard (verb) – abandon, relinquish, drop, dispose of, throw away, throw out, get rid of.
  14. along the way (phrase) – during the course/time of something; during a particular period of time.
  15. tie up (phrasal verb) – join; settle, secure, conclude (a coalition with). 
  16. alliance (noun) – coalition, union, partnership.
  17. at present (phrase) – now.
  18. spice up (phrasal verb) – revitalize, stir up, ginger up, galvanize, electrify. 
  19. vigorous (adjective) – powerful, spirited, determined, resolute, aggressive.
  20. campaign (noun) – canvassing, electioneering, an act of soliciting (asking for/requesting) votes; an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group.
  21. look (to) (verb) – hope, expect, consider, give thought to, think about.
  22. dismal (adjective) – bad, poor, dreadful, awful, terrible.
  23. numerically (adverb) – with regard to numbers.
  24. buffet (verb) – (of difficult situations) afflict, trouble, burden, bother, beset, hit someone repeatedly over a long period of time.
  25. wind (noun) – Used in reference to a forthcoming situation.
  26. anti-incumbency (noun) – a situation which is against elected officials currently in power; discontent against ruling government/ party in power.
  27. taint (verb) – mar, tarnish, damage, corrupt.
  28. slump (noun) – recession, economic decline, depression, slowdown; downturn, slide, decline, decrease, collapse, steep fall.
  29. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  30. apparent (adjective) – evident/clear, visible, noticeable, recognizable.
  31. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).
  32. consolidate (verb) – strengthen, reinforce, fortify.
  33. populace (noun) – population, inhabitants, people/public.
  34. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring on, bring about.
  35. signify (verb) – mark, signal, show, express, indicate.
  36. reversal (noun) – U-turn, sea change, turnaround.
  37. reach out (phrasal verb) – contact someone to obtain/offer help/assistance/cooperation.
  38. coincidence (noun) – co-occurrence, coexistence. 
  39. sideline (verb) – remove (from the centre of attention).
  40. loyalist (noun) – supporter, admirer, champion.
  41. anger (verb) – annoy, irritate, irk, vex, displease.
  42. belong to (verb) – be a member of, be affiliated to, be associated with, be connected to, be linked to.
  43. resentment (noun) – bitterness, indignation, irritation, displeasure, dissatisfaction, discontentment.
  44. old-timer (noun) – a very experienced person.
  45. in favour of (phrase) – in support of, to the advantage of, approve of.
  46. defector (noun) – betrayer, turncoat, traitor (a person who changes sides).
  47. bountiful (adjective) – abundant, plentiful, ample, lavish, generous.
  48. welfare (noun) – social security, government/state benefit, public assistance.
  49. community appeal (noun) – public appeal; a request to the public to do something.
  50. electoral (adjective) – relating to electors/voters.
  51. bloc (noun) – group.
  52. low-key (adjective) – restrained, modest, understated, toned-down.
  53. ride on (phrasal verb) – depend on.
  54. count on (phrasal verb) – rely on, depend on.
  55. project (verb) – convey, put across, communicate.
  56. root (noun) – source, origin, reason.
  57. churn (noun) – disorder/disorganization, confusion, disruption/chaos.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (All in the fray) – Jan 20, 2022:

The Hindu Editorial (All in the fray) – Jan 20, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (All in the fray) – Jan 20, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (All in the fray) – Jan 20, 2022

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