Word of the Day (toehold)-27JUL22
Today’s “Word of the Day” is “toehold” and it is a noun meaning “foothold, hold, grip, anchorage, purchase, secure position, firm […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is “toehold” and it is a noun meaning “foothold, hold, grip, anchorage, purchase, secure position, firm […….]
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is beacon of hope and its meaning is “something that offers the prospect of becoming successful in […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is “pillory” and it is a verb meaning “attack, criticize, censure, condemn, denigrate, find fault with, […….]
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is at the drop of a hat and its meaning is “do something immediately without thinking about […….]
Today’s “Word of the Day” is “kangaroo court” and it is a noun meaning “a self-appointed & unofficial court by a […….]
Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “bear the brunt” and its meaning is “to suffer or endure the worst part of something […….]
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